Should you post organically on Facebook, or are paid ads better?
I get asked this question frequently… Should we post on our Facebook business page as a new home builder?
The answer is simply yes.
I explain why in this video;
How frequently should you post and what kind of content should you post to your Facebook page?
Typically for most builders, once a week is more than enough to show what you’re doing as a builder.
You audience is transient.
They’re in the market, then they’re gone for years and possibly forever as they may never build again.
So once a week is usually more than enough.
So what should you post?
The same types of content that I recommend in my list of Facebook Ad Ideas for Builders. But don’t post your ads on the Business Page. Use Business Manager for ads and keep them separate to your content on your business page.
That way your ads are unique and you can test winning/losing ads.
Your page content can be more relaxed, branded and with a few less calls to action.